Membership Area

Feel free to use this portion of the site for maintenance on your membership. From here, you can pay your yearly dues or subscribe to your dues so that they will draft automatically once a year. You can even use this area to make a monetary donation of any amount you wish. If you are curious about taking your first steps into the York Rite, please visit this link.

Pay your dues (one-time)

Most members will use the 2017+ dues option. Very few will need to back-pay 2016 dues. If you are endowed or otherwise do not pay dues, there is an option to contribute towards your per-capita amount.

Dues Option

Pay your dues (recurring)

Only use this option if you are current on your dues. If not, pay back dues first first using the above option. It is recommended to start recurring payments in May or early June before dues are due. A payment will be deducted immediately and will thereafter occur yearly on the date you sign up. No more remember to pay!

Dues Option

Make a donation